Royal LePage Maximum Realty Brokerage

Condo Fees and Coverage in the GTA


Condominium living is increasing in popularity. Condo unit owners have the privilege of acquiring an affordable yet luxurious type of living in a condominium complex. It is one of the most lucrative options available to people instead of looking to rent or buy a residential unit or property today.

When you compare the benefits and amenities available to owning condos as opposed to owning your own home or renting a unit out, it may be surprising to realize that with a condo, you have a quicker, more affordable, and more convenient means of upgrading your quality of life. This is particularly true about Cru11 Yorkville condo in Toronto. For benefits, you have an abundance of amenities and luxuries plus strategic locations are yours to explore and own at costs your budget can afford.

The fees, as well as charges and other expenses, would, of course, differ from those you’d have to pay for when you buy a single home. The ownership that comes with a condo is way different. You get to own the interiors of your condo unit and you become co-owner of the exterior amenities. All costs pertaining to those are jointly paid for by all the members who reside within the condominium complex.

What are some condo fees?

With an abundance of features and amenities that come with living in condos comes additional condo fees. It is agreed that in accordance with these shared use of building amenities, condo unit owners partake in the responsibilities of their maintenance or upkeep. The condo fees, therefore, include building maintenance costs, repair costs, insurance costs.

So what are these common areas or shared amenities? Some are:
a. Swimming pools
b. Jacuzzis
c. Hallways
d. Gardens or lawns
e. Tennis courts
f. Basketball courts
g. Children’s playgrounds
h. Gym
i. Mini-theatre

What do condo fees cover?

It is important to understand payment plans and fee structure before taking out a purchase on newly developed condos in the Toronto area. Having full knowledge of your financial obligations and entitlements is necessary for your finances and for you to fully get a grip on the investment you are making.

What is the usual monthly condo fee structure?
Monthly condo fees normally cover the following:
a. use and upkeep of amenities
b. staff wages
c. security systems and wages
d. installation and maintenance of utilities (separate from utility bills)
e. contingencies

You need to understand that in retrospect, these expenses are cheaper compared with the expenditures you should expect if you had constructed or managed them all on your own.

How much will you spend on condo fees?

Condo fees and charges differ according to location, physical plan and size of the complex, actual amenities, and benefits provided. Expect to pay more when you purchase under recognized brands and developers. The floor size of your condo unit may also affect pricing. So consider these additional factors on top of those mentioned above as you go around scouting for newly constructed condos in Toronto.

For up-to-date prices on condominiums please view the following search results:
Condominiums For Sale
Condominiums For Rent

Greater Toronto Real Estate Brokerage

RLP Maximum
7694 Islington Ave, 2nd Floor Suite 220
Vaughan, ON L4L 1W3
Tel: (905) 856-7514

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