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Search Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West

Along the northwestern coast of Ontario there are many Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West. The houses are smack in the center of Ontario’s real estate capital. They are strategically located; near one of Canada’s biggest and most influential urban centers.

The real estate industry here is hot and most Luxury Homes For Sale are close to all top business hubs (both domestic and international). Just a short drive south can take you to the border, and the international airports located near these Luxury Homes For Sale guarantees that Bronte West stays connected to the southern neighbor as well as locales around the world.

Bronte West is endowed with prosperous real estate Luxury Homes For Sale that draws in a market. The attractiveness of this market can be due to its strategic place that keeps on bringing in different skilled individuals who prefer setting bases at places that have the best business environment. The Bronte West real estate, market is developing faster thanks to these people.

Bronte West real estate has top rankings in leading cleanliness and privileges like great security. The living environment has a large variety of highly valued Luxury Homes For Sale. This attribute has made almost most visitors to choose Bronte West as a favored place to settle.

We all value the lakeside attractions like the beaches, the marinas and also the recreational areas. Spots that have waterfronts are also good attraction areas. Bronte West is actually relishing this type of benefits! For example, its waterfront covers a very wide area of 150km, where people tend to engage more in business making the growth of its real estate to be high.

Despite the beliefs that perhaps the Bronte West real estates should be cheaper following the kind of climate with much worry on the endless winters and the much terrible snow, The Bronte West real estates have really shown to be different.

Table Of Contents

1 Understanding the Market Before You Search Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West

1.1 Factors to Consider When Searching Luxury Estates For Sale Near Bronte West

1.2 Transportation Near Bronte West Luxury Houses For Sale

1.3 Lifestyle Near Bronte West Mansions For Sale

2 Understanding The Price of Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West

2.1 The Cost of Living Near Bronte West Luxury Estates For Sale

2.2 The Price of Luxury Houses For Sale in Bronte West By Neighborhood

3 Search Bronte West Luxury Homes For Sale Near You

3.1 Bronte West Luxury Estates For Sale with Nearby Amenities

4 Brokerage Services For Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West

5 Available Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West

6 Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West Neighbourhoods

7 Recent News Concerning Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West

Understanding the Market Before You Search Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West

Luxury Houses For Sale Bronte West
Canada’s, and consequently Bronte West’s, real estate is falsely considered to be cheaper than its American equivalents due to bad weather. This is chiefly because when individuals think of the weather in Canada- and Bronte West in particular- they picture long winters and reduced daylight.

The fact, however, is this; the Luxury Homes For Sale are pricey as Bronte West has good weather and just gets chillier as you head further north and deeper into Canadian territory. You will enjoy all four seasons distinctly when you decide to purchase one of the Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West and set down your roots here. The real estate costs are always appreciating and you must be ready to part with significant amounts of money before securing one of the Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West.

Factors to Consider When Searching Luxury Estates For Sale Near Bronte West

Mansions For Sale Bronte West
Life in Oakville can also get quite expensive with the recent survey suggesting that you need earnings upwards of $40,500 annually to live conveniently in the city. A cent less than that demands that you find mechanisms to meet the deficits or completely lose out on the many opportunities and facilities the city offers.

You might ask yourself what could be the reason behind the high cost of living! The key reason is the highly thriving businesses and the accessibility of highly valued jobs situated in Bronte West. Either way, there are choices for economical Luxury Estates For Sale.

After coming to terms with how life in Bronte West can be, the government played its part by intervening where it increased the normal hourly working salary from the traditional rate of 11.6 to 14 dollars each hour from first January 2017. There are plans to increase it even more!

One of the main factors that have propelled the growth of Bronte West is emphasizing professional services, having the greatest business ventures, and efficiently trading internationally! At present, Bronte West has become one of the best destinations for persons leading a professional and career-oriented lifestyle.

The growth of the city of Bronte West is largely due to the business opportunities and high wages afforded to the locals. Consequently, the price of real estate is also increasing with an ever increasing number of investors showing an interest in the Luxury Homes For Sale. The market value of the houses in Bronte West grows everyday without any sign of slowing. The interest in the Mansions For Sale is, however, unhindered.

Luxury Homes For Sale at the city are provided at the best available choices at reasonable prices which can meet your needs. Currently, the real estate market in Bronte West is performing well with the prices continually rising which means you have to buy one now!

Transportation Near Bronte West Luxury Houses For Sale

Luxury Homes For Sale Bronte West
Of course, every investor looking for Luxury Houses For Sale will be enthusiastic about this since a major source of expense is transportation! It’s simple to get around in the city and all citizens have the freedom to access transportation without a problem.

When trying to find Luxury Homes For Sale, ensure they are along or close to major transit lines. Such a place mitigates the necessity to own a car as public transport is well-structured in Bronte West. interestingly, almost all of the investors who bought Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West don’t own or drive a vehicle as per the reports of the Bronte West Transit Commission. They like to travel with public transport.

There are two leading subway systems in charge of the daily transportation of passengers: one is a north-south direction while the other is running east-west. in addition, operating the rest of the region along the outskirts are two other subway systems.

At the peak hours, the subway keeps a frequency of 2 minutes while at other times it runs in every five minutes. Thanks to the greatest effort of the TTC. That said, transport utilizing the subway systems on a regular basis is smooth, reliable, and should encourage you to look at one of the Luxury Homes For Sale.

The subway runs every day from 6 AM to 2 AM but during Sundays, the public transport is just accessible at 8 in the morning onwards.

The projected monthly cost that the Bronte West residents will really pay is actually approximated at $150 which is relatively too low as compared to the payment that the private car owners could have really paid. The transportation frees you from costs incurred via the use of gasoline along with other costs like maintenance and repair, and insurance that private car owners often incur.

You are sure to really save a lot at Bronte West and you might even think about buying better Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West from your personal savings.

For the students and the old people, more privileges are also awarded by the TTC and they’ll be entitled to the most amazing discount plans!

TTC’s transport system will be bringing in new advancements in 2019. This development will simplify the way involved by making use of the transport system. A physical card and a mobile app are given to access services like fare paying issues.

Parking permits would be provided by the city of Bronte West specifically to private vehicle owners who would want to park within the city bounds for long period. This privilege is, however, not available for either visitors or travelers. The city would offer parking places for all vehicle owners to park their cars for short term or car owners would be subjected to pay a fee to private owners for their service.

Lifestyle Near Bronte West Mansions For Sale

Luxury Estates For Sale Bronte West

As stated above, when people or families search Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West they are doing so because it’s really a sophisticated city with all the conveniences and access people expect nowadays as well as low crime rates, high education rates, and plenty of opportunities for entertainment.

The city always features among the best Canadian cities in terms of, education, beauty, professional opportunities, and also security- the only real downside to this piece of paradise is the high cost of childcare (individuals and families trying to raise children should consider this before securing one of the Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West).

Before going through ads of ‘House for sale in Bronte West’, parents will have to assess their budget. You need to pay at least $1800 a month for childcare in Bronte West. This figure is taken from research publications of CBC reports. It is the most expensive in the whole Canada.

Bronte West also has an enviable nightlife with every neighborhood providing entertainment opportunities that are both vast and distinct. Bronte West is easily Canada’s home of culinary delights and you’ll be able to have very decent meals even in the city’s outskirts. Because of all of these benefits, the Luxury Homes For Sale are quite pricey- yet all who make the decision to secure one swear that they are more than worth their values.

Make sure to check out this place if you’re a young professional or if you’re searching for a more indie style scene. Bronte West real estate is always hot and when it comes to nightlife the east end is where folks will find local style bars and pubs that celebrate a somewhat slower and laid-back kind of atmosphere. The real estate market here can be a mix of commercial, investment and residential Luxury Homes For Sale.

Understanding The Price of Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West

Mansions For Sale Bronte West
The Luxury Homes For Sale prices differ from neighborhood to neighborhood in Bronte West. Each neighborhood has a different security system, academic institutions, and facilities.

The internet will let you find the prices of Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West in each neighborhood. Every metropolitan area in the world has various rates for Luxury Homes For Sale, and you’ve got to take this into consideration. Since Bronte West is the second most expensive town in Canada, you must keep this in mind too. Bronte West Luxury Estates For Sale are the most expensive in whole North America as well.

in the advent of time, the cost of real estate keeps gearing up. The Luxury Homes For Sale in the city of Bronte West are no different. As the economy booms with every opening career opportunity, the prices of real estate will likely increase. Bronte West is turning out to be a very vibrant social setting bringing in the young and the young at heart alike. Due to the significance of real estate would become, in future it would weigh more expensive than gold. Below in the following paragraphs, we would see some comparison of the cost of Luxury Homes For Sale over years.

If you opt for the cheaper parts of the town, you can get Luxury Homes For Sale with half the rate in downtown. But if you search for Luxury Homes For Sale by region, you’ll get to learn the quality and value of various communities.

The newest results when it comes to Luxury Estates For Sale in 2017 show that you had to pay $934,000 in 2017 for a house of two baths and three bedrooms. The same types of homes were around $1.6 million in the downtown that year.

The least expensive Luxury Homes For Sale in the town can be found in the East End. Almost all of the communities in Bronte West have seen an increase in the price of homes over the last 10 years. A few of these houses have been sold for about $1.2M in peak times. The East End is catching up with the other neighborhoods.

in as much as most buyers looking for Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West may be discouraged by the lower values of homes in the East end particularly those that have a great preference for lavish homes, it is said that other buyers will like to tap into this never ending opportunity. The general trend of gentrification in Bronte West is moving east bound from the center of the city, and that’s only going to have a beneficial and positive effect on the houses in this direction.

Serious investors are focusing their Luxury Homes For Sale search eastward, anticipating an impressive climate value of these properties over the next 10 years, especially as downtown Bronte West and these more expensive areas continue to climb and price homebuyers out of the market.

The Cost of Living Near Bronte West Luxury Estates For Sale

Mansions For Sale Bronte West
Prices of Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West can be emphatically stated to be the best in all of Canada. Furthermore fact, rents in Bronte West keep going up as well and this is the key reason why real estate investors opt to buy Luxury Homes For Sale and real estate in the region.

individuals will be amazed to hear that in Bronte West the cost of rent and the cost of a mortgage are almost the same. Therefore, it is more advisable to get Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West instead of renting. At least when you mortgage you bear the ownership of the property after a period of time.

Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West are not only the costly things in this city. Facilities such as phone plans, internet costs, television packages, and also groceries are most expensive in Bronte West. This makes life in the city quite expensive.

The Price of Luxury Houses For Sale in Bronte West By Neighborhood

Luxury Estates For Sale Bronte West
If you are looking up Luxury Homes For Sale in search of the right neighborhood for a career-driven life, the Western stretch is the area for you. Young professionals who are trying to establish their careers are found in this area of Bronte West.

The southeastern part of the neighborhood is home to a University. This part of the neighborhood is full of students and faculties which make this place quite lively. The area is also filled with business opportunities as evidenced by the many businesses that crop up seemingly overnight.

The cost of living is relatively low. This is because it is home to students and not wealthy professionals. Despite the low cost of living, it is believed that the cost of real estate remains high in this place.

There has been a slower change witnessed in the cost of MLS Mansions For Sale in the city. This is simply because they are situated far from the heart of the city. The commute to the city is, therefore, quite lengthy and this puts off a lot of potential buyers.

The international film festival is hosted by the city every September. If you’re keen about meeting celebrities, then this is the right place for you. This could be quite expensive despite how attractive it might be. The Luxury Homes For Sale here is on an average price of $1.5 million. You do not have to worry if you find this way above your budget. There are plenty of great options for you such as single housing units and condos which are far cheaper in price value.

Bronte West is said to have the most expensive community known as Downtown. The costs are easily affected and go up because of the fact that the community is the hub of the city’s economy. There is still the presence of residential houses regardless of the heavy commercial presence of businesses. The costs of houses are said to be more expensive than the number of housing choices that are offered. For the professional who desires to pursue his career while at the same time enjoying the urban life, then the center of the city is the perfect place to stay in.

One of the most influential neighborhoods in the city is the Downtown core community. It’s wrong to believe that individuals and investors are deterred because of the high costs of houses. Rather, the case appears to be different in this situation. There are a lot of people staying in this part of the town.

Regardless of your budget, looking for Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West will be fun. It will always provide you with a great sense of suburban feeling while at the same time, letting you freely relish the excitement in the city. Such an atmosphere can be offered by one of the communities called Midtown. It is near Bronte West and has lots of working-class people residing in the place as well. Through taking a public subway transport line, you can manage to get in to your work station in the city. You’ll still have some time to spare.

There are a number of great schools and educational learning facilities in the city of Bronte West. The health amenities, transport system and security of the city are listed by the MLS as high quality. For families as well as individuals that are looking to get their kids into excellent schools, then this is the perfect places to get the great house that suits this need. For those that wish a laid – back lifestyle, then this is also a fantastic place that offers a relaxed and perfect atmosphere for you. There is a high competition involved in trying to acquire these houses. This is surely the best time to grab the opportunities of choice houses that are available in the listing for Luxury Homes For Sale.

A hundred search results will come up for Luxury Homes For Sale when you search, if not thousands. It will show you houses from every communities. As we know, they host several communities who are very diverse in nature. This happens to be one of the most exciting real estate markets in North America. It might take your time to determine your choice. So, you will need to filter the search results based on your budget and your specific specifications.

Bronte West is the perfect place to buy real estate and you’ll not have to spend an arm and a leg to get what you desire. You can find a lot of diamonds in some of the best communities in the town when you search for real estate here.

You can make use of the info you find to have the insights you need about the types of properties, variations of the community, and the heartbeat of Bronte West.

That said, it will be of great benefit if you could obtain the services of agents and realtors. Searching through the dense real estate market of Bronte West will be overwhelming if done in any other way. A citywide search of the Luxury Homes For Sale cannot be efficiently conducted via Google. All the internet will do is to provide you an idea of the number of Luxury Homes For Sale. The boots on the ground method is the only sure strategy to identify a good offer. Let a professional do the walking as your money does the talking.

Search Bronte West Luxury Homes For Sale Near You

Luxury Homes For Sale Bronte West
Bronte West is among the most significant metropolitan cities in Canada with a strong business community. The industry is huge in Bronte West, but it also has a fair share of cultural and entertainment amenities as well.

Bronte West has a thriving economy with good prospects for a good career. Bronte West has one of the highest minimum wages in North America, and this minimum wage was raised once in 2017 and later in January 2019.

Life in Bronte West is expensive. But you will never be disappointed in terms of seeking Luxury Estates For Sale here.

Bronte West Luxury Estates For Sale with Nearby Amenities

Mansions For Sale Bronte West
If you are looking Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West and are most interested in a house to live in as opposed to a home to invest in, you’ll obviously want to be certain that you’re moving into a community you are going to feel particularly comfy in.

Just like any major cities, every neighborhood has its very own distinct feel and flavor. For instance, many are well situated for a metropolitan and contemporary, fast-paced lifestyle. Others are of course perfect for a laid-back, casual, and almost small-town-like appearance, but shouldn’t be far away from amenities.

Bronte West hosts one of the biggest technology-based startup companies and was even voted as one of the most convenient cities for startup entrepreneurs across the entirety of North America. The reason that Luxury Houses For Sale in Bronte West are costly is that countless businesses are here and more significantly it is an urban area too but the houses are absolutely worth every penny of yours.

The heart of the city is tempered with countless attractions and amenities thanks to the powerful economy. Bars, pubs, nightclubs, as well as other facilities operate until 2:30 AM – even up to 4 AM during the busy days of the year. These attractions have made Downtown a more vibrant and enjoyable place to live in for young people and therefore they are getting captivated to it which is ultimately resulting in more income.

If you are part of the millennial generation or interested in nightlife, Bronte West is for you when you’re seeking Luxury Homes For Sale – but this place might not be good for those with established families or young families who want to get the most out of Bronte West nowadays too.

For a more economical option, individuals and families alike may consider Luxury Estates For Sale in the outskirt communities of the city. These communities provide a more serene environment, although the busy Bronte West can still be accessed quickly through public transportation subway lines.

These lines take the commuters to the center of the city while enabling them to take pleasure in a cleaner and slower environment in the outskirts. They can have their suburban lifestyle while not missing the economic ambitions people are pursuing in the city.

TTC is responsible for operating the public transportation in the GTA, which has two subway lines. One of them goes to the southern and northern part, the other travels through the eastern and western end of the city. Bus services are also available here.

It is anticipated that properties closer to the mainlines of the TTC public transport system will surely cost more than those that are found a little farther. This in no way implies that Luxury Houses For Sale far away from the transit lines make transportation impossible- the TTC has done quite a great job guaranteeing the city is well-serviced.

The good management of public transit by the TTC in Bronte West makes the transport cost cheap. Not many people in Bronte West own a private car. It’s all because of the fact that public transport is cheaper than owning and maintaining a vehicle. It costs just over $150 a month to utilize the public transport in Bronte West. This is relatively cheap when compared to the expenses you will incur monthly even when you are operating even a cheap and inexpensive car.

Brokerage Services For Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West

Brokerage Services For Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West

RLP Maximum
7694 Islington Ave, 2nd Floor Suite 220
Vaughan, ON L4L 1W3
Tel: (905) 856-7514

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Available Luxury Homes For Sale in Bronte West

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Property For Sale | W9009027

2293 Belyea St, Oakville, Ontario L6L 1N7
Bed(s): 3
Bath(s): 4
Breathtaking bespoke home on a rare double lot. This home is not builder-grade; it was built with no expense and kept to the highest standards by the original owner. Enter through the louvred doors to double-height vaulted ceilings and serene views of your expansive backyard.

Property For Sale | W8487628

3286 Shelburne Pl, Oakville, Ontario L6L 5V9
Bed(s): 4
Bath(s): 4
Spectacular lakefront property with 93' frontage on Lake Ontario. Located on a quiet, mature cul-de-sac, this custom built, family home offers 4+1 Bedrooms, 3.5 Baths with over 2800SF above-grade + 1400 SF Finished Lower Level. Architecturally designed with wall-to-wall windows overlooking the lake, solid brick construction with clay tile roofing, this home was built to last.

Property For Sale | W8414972

332 Sawyer Rd, Oakville, Ontario L6L 3N7
Bed(s): 5
Bath(s): 6
A Magnificent Custom-Built Home: Nestled in the Quiet Southwest Oakville, This 5+1 Bedroom, 6 Bathroom Residence is a Luxury Living. Boasting an Expansive 6000+ Sqft of Living Space on an Oversized Private Lot, The Main Floor Showcases a Primary Bedroom Suite with a Luxurious 6-pcs Ensuite, Providing Southwest-Facing Views that Bask in Sunshine Throughout the Day.

Property For Sale | W9271544

2209 Sloane Dr, Oakville, Ontario L6L 2N1
Bed(s): 4
Bath(s): 6
Beautiful Custom-Built Home on a Premium Lot in the Heart of Bronte Village showcasing white oak floors and oversized windows, filling the home with natural light. The gourmet kitchen, designed for entertaining, features a center island, built-in coffee machine, high-end appliances and ample storage.

Property For Sale | W9246706

185 Burloak Dr, Oakville, Ontario L7L 4W4
Bed(s): 4
Bath(s): 5
Newly Built Exquisite Residence Designed For Ultimate Luxury Sitting On An Expansive 131-Foot Deep Lot! Nestled In The Prestigious Bronte West Neighbourhood Just A Walk Away From Lake Ontario And Surrounded By Scenic Trails.

Property For Sale | W9230456

3301 Springflower Way, Oakville, Ontario L6L 6V6
Bed(s): 4
Bath(s): 3
Nestled in the friendly, well-established neighbourhood of Lakeshore Woods, this inviting residence offers the space and features families desire. Meticulously maintained, this Rosehaven built home is ready to welcome a new family. The fully landscaped, premium corner lot offers an abundance of natural light with over 3,262 sqft of finished living space.

Property For Sale | W9017206

341 Admiral Dr, Oakville, Ontario L6L 0C2
Bed(s): 4
Bath(s): 5
Welcome to Lakeshore Woods, an exclusive Family neighbourhood in southwest Oakville! Approximately 3158 sq ft, impeccably maintained executive, open concept 2 storey with 4 bedrooms & 3.5 baths plus finished lower level with large storage area. Nestled on a quiet street with a fully fenced private backyard setting.

Property For Sale | W8489106

240 Butterfly Lane, Oakville, Ontario L6L 6V4
Bed(s): 4
Bath(s): 5
Welcome to 240 Butterfly Lane, Oakville! This stunning home, built by 'National Homes', boasts expectional curb appeal and an abundance of natural light. Featuring 4+2 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, it is nestled in the prestigious Lakeshore Wodds community, just a short walk to the lake, beach, Shell Park, Bronte Marina and Park, Oakville Harbour, and downtown.

Property For Sale | W6804898

2333 Hixon St, Oakville, Halton Region, Ontario L6L 1T7, CAN
Bed(s): 4
Bath(s): 5
Step into this exquisite home nestled in Bronte, on expansive 150' deep lot, w/over 5000sqft of living space.Moments from idyllic Bronte Harbour, this captivating three-storey retreat w/soaring ceilings&haven of elegance, offering 4+1beds&5baths.Gourmet kitchen, w/custom cherry cabinets,granite counters&SS appliances, sets stage for culinary delight.

Property For Sale | W9038359

3456 Rebecca St, Oakville, Ontario L6L 6X9
Bed(s): 4
Bath(s): 5
Step into luxury with this fully upgraded executive home! Spanning over 4500 sq ft of living space, it features a green oasis backyard, a stunning entrance, a cozy family room, and a new kitchen. The beautiful tiles and chandeliers complete the stylish look. Can't contain the excitement anymore! Fully upgraded main floor laundry with an eye-catching accent wall.

Property For Sale | W9014027

2254 Yates Crt, Oakville, Ontario L6L 5K6
Bed(s): 5
Bath(s): 4
Welcome to 2254 Yates Court, Oakville nestled in the heart of Bronte, this picturesque property sits on a .31-acre fully treed lot, offering unparalleled privacy & tranquility.

Property For Sale | W7364892

3456 Rebecca St, Oakville, Halton Region, Ontario L6L 6X9, CAN
Bed(s): 4
Bath(s): 5
Welcome to this captivating 2-story detached home nestled in the desirable Lakeshore Woods area. Built in 2009, this expansive residence encompasses a generous 3,086 sq. ft. of above-ground living space, showcasing 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms.

Property For Sale | W9051206

411 Sunset Dr, Oakville, Ontario L6L 3N3
Bed(s): 3
Bath(s): 3
South Oakville stunner! With over 2,200 sq ft of finished living space, this 4 level side split boasts 4 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, a super luxurious backyard oasis with an inground pool. High quality updates throughout and the best curb appeal! This home has it all and you can move right in and enjoy. In an area of fine homes, this property stands out. Main floor open concept entertaining space.

Property For Sale | W9235206

2086 Hixon St, Oakville, Ontario L6L 1S6
Bed(s): 3
Bath(s): 2
Your Dream Home Awaits! Welcome to 2086 Hixon Street, located in the heart of one of Oakville's most sought-after neighborhoods. This stunning property offers the perfect blend of modern elegance and comfort. Lets explore the Main Level Magic: Open-concept elegance with hardwood floors-a warm embrace for your senses.

Property For Sale | W9243379

2449 Meadowood Cres, Oakville, Ontario L6L 1V5
Bed(s): 3
Bath(s): 2
Private lot to design your perfect home! This 3-bed, 2-bath property backs onto Applewood Park, offering a serene setting with mature trees. Enjoy the convenience of walking to Bronte Harbour, the lake, restaurants, and shops. Located on a child-friendly street, it provides a peaceful oasis with easy access to the GO station and highways.

Property For Sale | W9248447

382 Third Line, Oakville, Ontario L6L 4A4
Bed(s): 3
Bath(s): 2
This is a great investment opportunity, Ready for moving in, renovating, or better yet Building your dream home? Location is exceptional and LOT size is hard to come to often.

Property For Sale | W8466428

2165 S Samway Rd, Oakville, Ontario L6L 2P5
Bed(s): 3
Bath(s): 2
Beautiful Renovated 3+2 Bdrm Bungalow Situated On A Rectangular (75.56 X 125.13 ft) Perfect For Building A Bigger Dream Home. Lot Surrounded By Multi-Million Dollar Homes. An Ideal Family Home To Move In & Enjoy Or To Develop Into Your Dream House, Custom Home Can Be Built. Lrg Driveway Can Accommodate Several Cars, New Roof 2020, Very Private Large Backyard Boasting A Huge Deck And Mature Trees.

Property For Sale | W8472374

202 Tecumseh Cres, Oakville, Ontario L6L 2Z9
Bed(s): 4
Bath(s): 3
Welcome Home To 202 Tecumseh Crescent, A Turn Key and Beautifully Renovated 4 Bedroom Bungalow In The Sought-After Bronte Community Of South Oakville! This Elegant, Modern Family Home Evokes A Warm & Rustic 'Cottage On The Lake' Feel, And Is Nestled On A On A 75 X 100 Ft Lot With Lovely Curb Appeal.
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